Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Brother's Looming

In an article in New York Times on the purchase of the Hartford Advocate by the Hartford Currant, Big Brother has resurfaced.

Similar to the purchase of the Huffington Post by AOL, the concern of this particular purchase is that these two publications are everything the other isn't, and the new ownership will now have an impact on the type of coverage and style, not to mention slant, of the each of the publications.

In journalism 101, you learn that the purpose of the journalist, the fourth estate, is to function as a check on the other three balances of power. The more publications there are, the more views are covered, and more checks are put on the politics in charge.

With a very strong Big Brother feel, media has developed into a shard monopoly and children of those monopolies. Most people are unaware of the fact that companies like Disney and ABC are owned by the same conglomerate. More importantly, most people are unaware of the hierarchy of news media, particular television news.

Because there is a level of ignorance on this issue, it is easier for media conglomerates to feed slanted information to the masses, all the while entirely undetected.

Makes you stop and think about what information you are getting, doesn't it?

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